
Monday, March 21, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S Pro Android with Keyboard

Samsung Galaxy S Pro Android with Keyboard is yet another Android phone in the company's growing stable. Although offering design (and slim) a unique, cell phones do not really have much to offer in the way of performance. While pricing details are still hidden, I would not expect this machine goes well beyond the $ 100 threshold.

So what you get for all that? Galaxy Pro has a 2.8 inch touch screen (with skinning TouchWiz UI) is married to a nice full QWERTY keyboard. Inside you see the processor yet-to-be named running at 800MHz Froyo.

As far as connectivity goes, the Galaxy Pro User decided to Bluetooth technology and USB 2.0 and built-in 802.11b/g/n WiFi. The battery must be used continuously for up to 11 hours and approximately 600 hours standby.

A neat feature that you do not often see this kind of semi-smart phones Flash compatibility. Galaxy Pro Flash support 10.1.

Add in 3-megapixel camera and you get the handset middle-of-the-road may only enough bang for the consumer offering a lot of money for love.